No help for girl who traced, returned bag with 80,000 to owner

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 26 Desember 2014 | 22.23

KALYAN: Bhiwandi's 13-year-old Monali Adhari, who found Rs 80,000 on the road and returned it to its owner, and her supportive family have become the area's local heroes. That's just about it, though.

Apart from assurances of help, the impoverished family that lives in a Bhiwandi slum has got nothing concrete or monetary as reward for their honesty. The teen, though, says she will repeat her act if faced with a similar situation.

Her parents continue to work as daily wage earners and the girl goes to a municipal school. Her father Sadu Adhari, who helped his daughter return the money to its owners, is under heavy debt as he had taken a loan for his elder son Mahesh's engineering studies. Besides, he spends 70% of what he makes on Mahesh's education.

Sadu and his wife Lata together manage to earn Rs 100 to Rs 200 a day by working in a vegetable shop. They use their meagre earnings to run their home of eight members, including six kids.

Sadu told TOI: "I am happy that my daughter chose to be honest and told me about the incident. She also urged me to help look for the bag's owner. I have told her to continue to be honest in future."

In the first week of December, Monali and her friend Aniket Bhoir (11), who also lives in a slum, found a bag containing Rs 80,000. They decided to trace its owner, thinking that someone somewhere must be looking hard for it.

Later, Monali, a class seven student, took her parents' help to find the bag's owner. Her father searched the bag and found a passbook belonging to one Afzal Khan. He borrowed a cellphone from a neighbour and gave missed calls on the numbers mentioned in the passbook.

Khan, a retired teacher, later returned the call and found out about the bag. After getting it back, Khan offered the two families Rs 100 each as a token of appreciation.

Interestingly, after news of Monali's honesty spread, she and her family became local heroes and many people came forward and gave them assurances of help.

A local organization has decided to felicitate Monali during a function to teach other kids the value of honesty. Monali has also become hero in her school where teachers felicitated her.

Monali's mother Lata said, "Even though we are poor and no one has come forward to help us, I am proud of my daughter's honesty as due to her work, people in our area appreciate us."

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No help for girl who traced, returned bag with 80,000 to owner

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