Islamic scholar to train peace volunteers

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 11 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Noted scholar and the face of moderate Islam in India Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is in the city for three days to hold lectures for peace volunteers; he will train them in spiritual development and ask them to eschew violence and focus on spreading the spiritual aspect of Islam. The lectures will held from Thursday (December 11) at Hotel Mina in Jogeshwari (W).

Drawn from across Maharashtra, these volunteers are ardent followers of the Maulana's pacifist, moderate ideology. As president of te Islamic Centre and Centre for Peace and Spirituality International in New Delhi, Khan has guided innumerable people, both Muslims and non-Muslims. Through his books, articles and speeches, he has stressed that peace is not a choice, but the destiny of human beings. "My Mumbai talks will not include political issues. I will concentrate on how to acquire a spiritually sound personality," says Khan who has authored over 200 books and edits magazines, Al-Risala and Spirit of Islam. "These volunteers have been part of the Mualana's peace mission for quite sometime. These sessions will take the participants to a higher level of spiritual thinking," explained Khan's close aide Rajat Malhotra. Khan is also scheduled to address the media on December 12 on the topic "Islam Today".

Though his training sessions with the volunteers will skirt issues related with political Islam, the press meet may see him answer questions on some of the crises facing contemporary Muslims. "The Maulana has always preached that violence begets violence and peace wins friends and opens avenues for dialogue. His unflinching faith in spreading the message of Islam peacefully has earned him wide acclaim. The workshop will equip volunteers with better understanding of not just faith but also how to grow spiritually," said Naseem Khan, a city-based follower of Khan.,train,peace,Islamic scholar

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