International airline to pay for serving non-veg food to vegetarian flyer

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 24 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A consumer forum on Tuesday directed Swiss International Airline to pay a compensation of Rs 30,000 to a vegetarian flyer for inadvertently serving him non-vegetarian food on a Zurich-Mumbai flight in 2011. "It is just to award Rs 20,000 for hurting the religious feelings of the complainant. Besides, the complainant is entitled to the legal expense of Rs 10,000," the forum said.

The same airline was also ordered to pay a compensation of Rs 60,000 for causing mental agony to another flyer after his bag was lost on a Mumbai Dublin flight in 2012 and it was returned the next day. The bag contained papers, which the complainant, Tardeo resident Rukshad Davar, needed for a conference. The airline has also been ordered to pay Rs 7,650 as reimbursement for the money that Davar had to spend on buying essential items in absence of his bag.

In the first case, Amit Jain said that on his flight from Zurich to Mumbai on May 6, 2011, he was served non-vegetarian food in spite of him booking a Jain vegetarian meal. He alleged he realized it was non-vegetarian only after eating a morsel; a fellow flyer also alerted him. Jain claimed the flight attendant did not apologize and the airline tried to shrug it off as a "human error". He lodged a complaint at the Central Mumbai District Consumer Disputes Redressal forum in 2013, seeking a compensation of Rs18 lakh on the grounds that the airline hurt his religious sentiments. He also claimed legal expenses of Rs 1 lakh. Admitting that Jain did opt for a vegetarian meal, the airline said the non-veg meal was i nadvertently served owing to unwitting human error by the flight attendant who was on her first flight to India. The airline said the food was replaced with a Jain meal and the attendant apologized.

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International airline to pay for serving non-veg food to vegetarian flyer

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