‘Metrology department can’t certify area’

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 24 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The construction industry on Tuesday challenged the legal metrology department's authority to certify the measurement of flats sold to buyers. The department's chief Sanjay Pande had announced his office will entertain complaints from flat purchasers, against developers who cheat them on floor space.

"This department has no authority to invoke provisions for sale of flats," said advocate and housing expert Vinod Sampat, adding, "Weights and measurements are linked to moveable objects where weight can be quantified, unlike a flat." But the department claimed selling space was within its purview.

Experts said buyers who are cheated can approach the consumer court, Competition Commission of India, city civil court or metropolitan court with their complaints.

Builder Sunil Mantri said the department would send notices and fine builders who announce apartments in square feet instead of square metre or square yard. "This is the first time it wants to certify carpet area of a flat. This is already done by the BMC," he added. Builders said they will meet the CM on the issue.

Architect Manoj Daisaria said the housing regulator to be appointed under the new Housing Regulation Act will be the competent authority to deal with this problem.

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