‘Culture centres must be part of devpt plan’

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 21 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Emphasizing on the need to significantly enhance the city's cultural vibrancy, and place it on the global map, city activists met on Saturday to discuss a culture policy for Mumbai. Activists spoke of ways in which the city's cultural heritage could be promoted and maintained, at the discussion organized by Observer Research Foundation (ORF).

A draft resolution was placed for the consideration of participants, considering that Mumbai, one of the first cities of India, occupies a special place in the cultural life of India, said activists.

Sudheendra Kulkarni, chairman of ORF, Mumbai, said that they plan to seek a meeting with the minister for cultural affairs once they receive inputs from various activists. "We plan to sensitize the minister of problems that the city faces vis-a-vis art and culture. A proper documentation of whatever is discussed today will be presented before him," said Kulkarni.

Activists discussed the deficiency of open air theatres in the city, and about open spaces, like Cross Maidan, which cannot be explored completely.

Activists said that as Mumbai's development plan for the next 20 years is being finalized, this was the time for making adequate provisioning for infrastructure for various cultural purposes and amenities.

Valsa Nair Singh, secretary, department of tourism and culture, Government of Maharashtra also provided inputs.

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