‘Cops filing cases must be more gender-sensitive’

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 10 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: While 40% complainants of crimes against women said they had to wait for one to four hours to get a case registered at a police station, 43% said there was no action or a negative response from the police after the case was registered.

These were revealed in a study that surveyed 292 women activists and community leaders in chawls and slums about their experience at police stations and their perception of the police's response. Most seem to think the police could be more sensitive while registering a case of crime against women.

The survey was conducted in February-March by Women Networking, comprising over 20 women's groups, community organizations and individuals, working towards providing a platform to address women's issues such as livelihood, violence, food, health and shelter. The objective of the survey was to ascertain activists' perceptions of how the police handled their complaints and the difficulties they faced while lodging complaints. The study also sought the communities' suggestions on better policing. The data were given to TISS for statistical analysis.

Women Networking founder coordinator Jaya Menon said while only 38% activists were encouraged to register a case, a higher percentage of 41 were either discouraged or their complaints were rejected; some of them also faced "indifferent/neutral response from officers". "The police should encourage complainants to file cases. Their focus should be more on preventing crimes rather than intervening after it is committed," said Menon.

About their expectations from the government to curb violence against women, a high percentage of the actvists asked for the implementation of a stricter law. Other demands included stringent punishment, certainty of punishment and direct government intervention. "For a crime against women, the police must make a watertight case so that the accused is not acquitted," said Menon.


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