Parliamentary Standing Committee visits defence installations in Mumbai

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 06 November 2014 | 22.23

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence (SCOD) headed by Major General BC Khanduri (Retd) and comprising Members of Parliament (both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) visited defence installations at Mumbai last week on Friday. The Committee was received by Vice Admiral Anil Chopra, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief and other senior officers.

In Mumbai the Committee visited the Head Quarters, Western Naval Command and were briefed on the role and functions of the Command and other wide-ranging issues such as operational preparedness, state of equipment, coastal security, personnel, land, infrastructure and accommodation.

They were also briefed on the Coast Guard and Canteen Stores Department matters, as also welfare measures for serving and retired defence personnel and their families.

The Committee also visited Mazagaon Dockyard Limited (MDL) where the members were briefed on the progress of ongoing ship-building projects and the Scorpene submarine construction programme.

Later in the day, they visited the newly commissioned warship, INS Kolkata at Naval Dockyard.

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