Terror suspect was indoctorinated

Written By Unknown on Senin, 20 Oktober 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI : The 24-year old suspect Anis Ansari, arrested for `chatting' with his friends on Facebook about jihad and attacking the American school in BKC, was indoctrinated by hearing lectures of Al-Qaida preachers, said sources. The anti-terrorist squad (ATS) is also trying to join the dots to find if he too was planning to fly out of the country to join the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria. Sources said that one month ago Ansari had applied for a passport.

On Saturday, the ATS arrested Ansari, a software engineer working for a multinational company in Speez in Andheri. Ansari is accused of creating fictitious account on the facebook and chatting jihad and uploading pictures and videos of the Syria crisis and planning to carry attack on American school of Bombay at BKC.

Ansari who has been booked under the charges of criminal conspiracy read with IPC section of 302 of murder and information technology act told police that he was indoctorinated hearing the jihadi lectures of Nouman Ali, Ahmed Farooque and Abu Bakar Bagdadi on the internet.

``There are innumerous chat by him on the ISIS particularly in one of the chat he specifically mentions that he would carry attack on the American school.'' Said an officer. Now the ATS has formed a core team of cyber experts who are trying to identify who are his friends on the chat group discussing the Jihad. ``We are in the process of identifying those others with whom he was chatting, we want to investigating whether any of them are members of any terror group particularly the Indian Mujhaheedin (IM)'' said ATS chief Himanshu Roy.

Ansari, co incidently is a resident of Kadir building at Pipe road kurla where the Indian Mujhaheedin founder members-Riyaz Bhatkal and his brother Iqbal Bhatkal grew up and graduated to terrorism. Ansari has three more younger siblings. While his father is retired, mother is a housewife. Shockingly when the police broke this news to them, his father told police that he knew he would bring him trouble and told police that he will not even engage a lawyer to defend his son in the court.

ATS officials have intimated his company and have seized his office as well home computer to extract the incriminating material from it. ``We have got his custody till October 26, now we are interrogating him to find whether his jihadi thoughts were just a fantasy or he was planning something.'' Added Roy.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Anti-Terrorist Squad,al-Qaida

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