"This year, a golden bungalow weighing 130gm was the piece de resistance of the event. It sold for Rs 5.21 lakh. A miniature replica of the Nano car was another item that drew a fierce bid. The winner paid Rs 2.21 lakh," said mandal president Ashok Pawar. "We are yet to sell a few small articles which will raise revenues further."
Apart from bullion and jewellery, the season's cash collection has amounted to Rs 6.89 crore. "The counting process is still under way and we expect the figure to settle around Rs 7.15 crore," Pawar said.
Interestingly, the duration of the festival and the vagaries of the weather have a direct impact on collections. "In 2012 Ganeshotsav spanned 12 days by the almanac and more devotees arrived, which earned us a record Rs 8 crore.
This year it rained heavily for eight days during Ganeshotsav so we lost out. Each day nets around Rs 70 lakh," the mandal chief said.
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