Help gets life for killing Juhu senior citizen

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 24 September 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A sessions court on Tuesday convicted and sentenced a 25-year-old man, Radhe Mandal, to life imprisonment for murdering a senior citizen, Bharti Shah, at her Juhu flat where he worked as a domestic help in 2011. While judge D W Deshpande sentenced Mandal, two other accused, who also worked as domestic help at the house, are absconding. Public prosecutor Jagannath Kenjalkar said key among the 21 witnesses was Shah's sister and a neighbour, who had found Shah's body.

The incident took place on September 11, 2011. While the police had procured Mandal's description from neighbours and other employees, they managed to nab him after he switched on a cellphone number on September 18, 2011. The police had found two numbers scribbled on a piece of newspaper in Shah's flat. While one belonged to Shah, the other belonged to Mandal and Call Data Records showed that the latter had not been used since February. But the number was made operational again and traced to Bihar. Based on that location, a city police team with help from local cops nabbed Mandal from a bus station on September 21,2011.

The police recovered two diamond rings worn by Shah at the time of the incident, cash and a LTT-Patna train ticket dated September 12, 2011 from Mandal.

In her statement to the court, Shah's sister said the victim was unmarried and lived alone after their father died in 1997. The witness who resides in Andheri (E) said she would visit her sister every week and call her daily. A night before the incident she rang at the residence twice, but got no reply. The next morning, she called up Shah's neighbour and requested to check on her sister. The neighbour told Shah's sister that there was no one at home as no one had answered the doorbell. The sister and her husband immediately rushed to Shah's house am and opened the door with a spare key. Shah's body was found in the house. She had been strangulated with a nylon table cloth. Her gold chain, rings and bangles were missing. The sister told the police that the three help had been hired recently.

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Help gets life for killing Juhu senior citizen

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