Engineeringg colleges prepare students for placement season with mock tests, language training

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Placement for the class of 2015 across engineering colleges of the country began long before companies came to campuses. While the season looks upbeat, there is a lot that has gone into ushering in optimism at institutes. This year, colleges have reached out to many more companies, held preparatory sessions, mock interviews, buddy talks and conducted language training for their students.

From inviting young alumni to "chat" with the current batch of those who are sitting for the interview to tying up with professional testing agencies, from hiring experts who can power up resumes to those who can teach interview etiquette, colleges want their graduates to be better prepared for placements.

This year, the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay introduced a resume session, under which every post-graduate candidate's resume was assessed and strengthened. "We noticed that over the years, placement statistics of post-graduate students were relatively weaker than those of undergraduate students. To bridge that gap, we tried to figure out the differences, and one thing we noticed was resume. Hence, to strengthen their resume, we conducted one-on-one resume feedback session with them," said Ujjwal Banthia, a placement manager.

Three career-guiding firms conducted assessments for all 1,500-plus students. Assessments included mock group discussions and mock personal interviews. Workshops introduced techniques like mind mapping to help students gear up for interviews; these sessions were conducted by professional career and image consultants

While the IITs have started the placement preparatory activities, other colleges are not far behind. At LD Engineering, Ahmedabad, "We are preparing our students for PPOs every weekend through training on group discussions, tests, and interview etiquette by experts from companies," said Kunal Bhoyania, placement officer.

In many colleges, training begins early in the four-year programme. This year VIT University, Vellore, is starting an advanced placement training programme for students from the very first year. "We've drawn up the training modules, including coaching for aptitude tests and personality development classes to keep them engaged during weekends," placement officer V Samuel Rajkumar said.

At Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), rules for placement and training have been relaxed. In the past, only students with a first class were allowed to appear for campus interviews, but SVNIT is now allowing those with a second class to also appear for campus placement.

"We conduct training sessions for eligible students to prepare them for interviews. We take industry help to hone the skills of students; candidates are made to realize what a recruiter is looking for. Students are also made aware of how to highlight their brightest side," said D V Bhatt, head, training and placement cell at SVNIT.

BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, has tied up with a company which provides online tests and questions for practice before the real placements begin. "There are about 5,000 questions and 15 tests the students can take. These are the kinds that candidates have to face for the placement interviews. They can identify their strengths and work on the weak areas. Online learning is the new trend here," said H S Jagadish, coordinator of team placement in BMS. At PESIT, the college has a buddy system for preparing students for placements. Two seniors share their experiences of placements interviews to a group of 15 juniors. This happens after class hours as well as online.

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Engineeringg colleges prepare students for placement season with mock tests, language training

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