'Insurance cover for acid attack victims soon’

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 29 Juli 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Acid attacks victims may soon have help at hand, with an NGO pushing the Centre to frame a comprehensive insurance policy that covers their medical treatment. In addition, a psycho-social-cum-burn rehabilitation centre is being set up by the organization for the victims.

"Given the speed with which the current government is passing proposals, we are very hopeful of getting the insurance cover for these victims by the end of this year," said Rahul Varma, CEO and managing director, Acid Survivors Foundation, Kolkata. He said this in the sidelines of a campaign announcement in the city on Monday.

Maharashtra alone has seen around 35 cases of acid attacks, of which 25 have been registered in Mumbai alone in the past three years. More recently, two women from the outskirts of the city were the latest victims of acid attack.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=NGO,insurance policy,centre,Acid attacks victims

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