Nehru's 'Discovery of India' remains a bestseller 50 years after his death

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 30 Mei 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Hardly any public functions were held to commemorate the 50th death anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on May 27. India's first prime minister had passed away this day in 1964, and although several projects and welfare schemes drafted by sequential Congress-led governments are named after him, his landmark anniversary passed unnoticed amid the new political equation.

In Mumbai, neither the Congress party nor Nehru Centre nor Khilafat House organised programmes to celebrate their founder-patron-mentor.

Yet the average Indian nurtures an abiding interest and faith in Pt Nehru, one that has withstood the ravages of time and survived scepticism and disillusionment. His books continue to draw a steady readership across age, community and class. P M Shenvi, the manager of Strand Bookstore in Fort, says, "Panditji's 'Discovery of India', which he wrote in 1946, as well as 'Glimpses of World History' that was written in 1934-35, still find committed buyers. Both books have gone into reprint several times. Other titles including 'Letters From a Father to His Daughter' which he wrote to Indira Gandhi from prison, as well as his autobiography, are also read though in fewer numbers."

Doordarshan continues to telecast the magnum opus 'Bharat Ek Khoj' that is a television adaptation of 'Discovery of India' every week to this day.

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Nehru's 'Discovery of India' remains a bestseller 50 years after his death

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Nehru's 'Discovery of India' remains a bestseller 50 years after his death

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