Neelesh, a sitting Lok Sabha member from Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg, was defeated by Shiv Sena nominee Vinayak Raut by a huge margin. Ever since the Congress declared the candidature of Neelesh, local NCP leaders led by Sawantwadi legislator Deepak Kesarkar had raised a banner of revolt against his nomination. Kesarkar and his supporters made it clear to the NCP leadership that they will not campaign for Neelesh and instead, ensure his defeat. In a major damage control exercise, both NCP president Sharad Pawar and deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar stepped in to pacify agitating Kesarkar, but failed to tackle the situation. For Pawar, more shocking was the fact that the entire Kesarkar team boycotted his meeting in Kankavali, home town of Rane. Subsequently, Rane too made an unsuccessful attempt for a truce with Kesarkar, but he too did not succeed. Now from the outcome of the results, it appears that Kesarkar did succeed in his strategy to defeat Rane's son.
Ever since Rane quit the Shiv Sena and joined the Congress in June 2006, he always felt that it was his political blunder to join the Congress. When he was negotiating his entry into the Congress, he was told that sooner or later, he will be considered for the chief minister's post, but he was never given an opportunity.
Rane was expecting that after Vilasrao Deshmukh was asked to quit in the wake of the terror attack, he will be considered, but then the high command chose Ashok Chavan. When Sonia Gandhi sacked Ashok Chavan following his involvement in the Adarsh scam, again Rane was expecting that he will be given a chance to lead the state, but Prithviraj Chavan was appointed. "Rane feel that he has lost crucial eight years of his life. Now, it's better to quit Congress and politics too," a senior Congress minister said.
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Election results 2014: Maharashtra minister Narayan Rane quits after son defeated in Lok Sabha polls
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