Around 14 laptops worth Rs 40,000 each was given to Bhausaheb Nene College of Arts, Science and Commerce in Pen, under a central government scheme by the University Grants Commission. The one given to the physics department, under the responsibility of the head of the department, went missing in March. The HoD claimed that the laptop went missing when it was being taken from the physics department to the exam department in the college. The police, in their complaint, also mentioned that the laptop was lost.
However, after several letters were exchanged between the HoD and the principal over the matter, the college started deducting the cost of the laptop from the teacher's salary. In the October's salary, disbursed in November, Rs 6,000 was deducted from the teacher's salary. Since the laptop cost Rs 40,000, the same amount will be deducted by the college for six months.
A member of the Bombay University and College Teachers' Union (BUCTU), claimed that the college failed to follow the appropriate procedure. "The college did not conduct a proper inquiry before holding the teacher responsible for the missing laptop. Every HoD in university's affiliated colleges will be in charge of several expensive items in their laboratories. How is it fair to recover the amount from the HoD?" Asked the member. Another teacher pointed out that electronic items have depreciating value, and the laptop was used for almost a year in the lab, before it went missing.
The principal of the college, also an academic council member, S B Dharap, said that the amount recovery is a normal routine procedure which is being blown out of proportion by the teachers. "If the complaint filed was for theft, we would have waited for an inquiry. But in this case, even the police complaint stated that the laptop was lost. Once a product is lost, how does the college recover the amount? The HoD had taken responsibility of the laptop in writing, when it was issued. If we do not take action, what if other laptops go missing in the same fashion?" Asked Dharap.
A delegation of teachers who met the vice-chancellor, Rajan Welukar, were assured that appropriate procedure will be followed by the grievances committee. However, teachers have alleged that the grievance committee would not be a recourse as the principal is also part of the committee.
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College recovers cost of missing laptop from teacher
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