Young officers' day at sea to get first-hand experience of naval operations

Written By Unknown on Senin, 21 Oktober 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: About 111 officers undergoing the 53rd National Security and Strategic Studies Course at the prestigious National Defence College (NDC), New Delhi, will be visiting Mumbai, Karwar and Goa from October 20 to 27.

The NDC is a globally renowned defence institute, which studies 'security' as a whole, rather than limiting its scope to 'defence' alone. It is the highest Institution of advanced studies in the country, not just for the Armed Forces alone, but for Civil Service officers as well.

The NDC, which was founded in 1960, provides a forum for higher studies on security for senior Defence and Civil Services officers from India, as well as number of friendly foreign countries.

Focused upon strategy, geo-politics and the higher direction of warfare, it seeks to provide decision-makers with the necessary skills and knowledge required in senior positions in national security and allied government organizations.

The NDC Course Members will be visiting headquarters, Western Naval Command, Naval Dockyard, Mazagon Docks Ltd, offshore oil facilities of the ONGC, as well as naval facilities at Karwar and Goa.

The officers will also embark warships of the Western Fleet for a 'Day at Sea' to get a first-hand experience of naval operations. The participants include officers from the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, the IAS, IFS, IPS and other allied Civil Services as well as officers from friendly foreign countries.

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Young officers' day at sea to get first-hand experience of naval operations

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