Civil society demands more transparency in government budgets

Written By Unknown on Senin, 30 September 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A coalition of 400 civil society organizations across the country have launched a movement demanding that the government, be it the Centre, state-level administrators or district administration, brings in transparency in their respective budgets. Such openness would help citizens understand policymaking and government decisions and bridget the trust deficit between the public and the government machinery.

The citizens' groups demand basic measures that would herald transparency such as uploading all demand for grants over the last decade up on department websites. "The outcome budgets for the last five years for all the union ministries and state government departments should be made available in the public domain," they believe. They seek that the union government should provide information on break up of the Centre's allocations and expenditures under various schemes to individual states. States in turn should make public their allocations at the level of individual districts.

Launched under the aegis of People's Budget Initiative and Global Movement for Budget Transparency, Accountability and Participation, the campaign was launched on International 'Right to Know' Day on September 28. The PBI is headquartered in the Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability ( CBGA) in Delhi.

"Transparency in budgets can help enhance responsible and just decision making by the government machinery, bring in better insights and strategies, encourage timely and effective implementation of budgetary policies, and create public confidence in the willingness as well as the ability of the government to work for people," stated the people's coalition in a press note.

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Civil society demands more transparency in government budgets

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