Lok Satta Party organizes tea party at Aditi restaurant as mark of protest

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 26 Juli 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Lok Satta Party invited members and general public in the "luxury" of Aditi Restaurant for a tea party to examine how a common small business person's grudge on AC restaurants coming under the ambit of luxury tax could lead to a police case and endless harassment.

"How is it an offence for an Indian citizen to legitimately and peacefully express anger at paying luxury tax when these taxes are being blatantly looted out of state coffers through numerous scams," asked Lok Satta Party president for Maharashtra, Dr Kedar Diwan, as he expressed dismay and outrage at the recent incident of Youth Congress members closing down Aditi Restaurant in Mumbai.

Media reports indicate that Youth Congress workers intimidated the restaurant owner to shut-shop or face dire consequences for printing restaurant bills with a statement against luxury tax being levied on airconditioned restaurants.

Maharashtra general secretary of Lok Satta Party, Mr Rajesh Jogani added that the statement in the restaurant bills aimed at highlighting a citizen's frustration of not getting his tax money's worth.

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Lok Satta Party organizes tea party at Aditi restaurant as mark of protest

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