Said MSRTC managing director Deepak Kapoor, "After the Pune incident last year, in which a bus driver Santosh Mane went berserk and mowed down nine persons (and injured several others) outside Swargate depot, we have decided to create psychological profiles of all drivers employed with us. We have also sent them for a medical check up and have created database of all drivers. As a second step, we are now seeking help of Brahmakumaris in counselling the drivers and helping them combat stress at workplace."
He further stated that workshops will be held at almost every prominent depot and will be attended by hundreds of drivers when they are off duty. "We want every driver to attend the workshop and benefit from it."
The Brahamkumari volunteers are known for organising similar workshops for other transport bodies including the the BEST undertaking in Mumbai. They will understand the problems faced by drivers, find solutions and teach them simple breathing exercises and yoga to beat stress. The volunteers will also train the drivers on positive thinking, sources said.
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State bus drivers to take lessons on how to beat stress
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