Maharashtra govt needs to rehabilitate over-aged inmates from children's homes

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 21 Maret 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The convictions handed out by the Bombay high court for the sexual abuse of inmates in a mentally-deficient home in Panvel should serve as a wake-up call towards the management of state-run and state-registered children's homes in Maharashtra.

One of the pressing concerns is the rehabilitation of inmates over 18 years who are housed in these juvenile homes, an issue highlighted by TOI on several occasions. An audit by a high court-appointed committee (under Prof. Asha Bajpai of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences) shows that over 37% of residents in the 23 mentally-deficient homes in the state are above 18 years of age.

The need to rehabilitate these adult victims has been highlighted by not only the Bombay high court in various directives. The Maharashtra State Commission for the Protection of Child Rights in an order in June 2012 too directed the state to shift older inmates to a home run by the government.

The presence of older inmates, after all poses a safety challenges for younger inmates. Besides, the needs and challenges of adult children are distinctly different from the rehabilitative needs of younger children.

Housing both together merely reflects the lack of political will to truly rehabilitate and reach out to this vulnerable group.

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Maharashtra govt needs to rehabilitate over-aged inmates from children's homes

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