National Association for Blind to collaborate with Perkins to educate visually impaired

Written By Unknown on Senin, 11 Februari 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Perkins and the National Association for the Blind, India (NAB) have announced a new and dynamic collaboration that will help to accelerate growth of programs in India for people who are blind.

"Twenty percent of the individuals in the world who are blind live in India," Perkins president Steven Rothstein noted. "The overwhelming majority of students who are blind and deafblind do not attend school."

For the first time in its 183 year history, Perkins will work with an international partner not only to build capacity and expertise to educate children who are blind or deafblind, but also to cultivate financial support outside the United States. By creating new opportunities for Indian donors to support the work of NAB, India and Perkins International partners, those organizations will be able to deliver more services to more people more effectively.

According to Perkins International director Dr W Aubrey Webson, "Leveraging our longstanding affiliation with NAB, India will help all of our partners here expand programs and reach a larger segment of the population who live with visual impairments and multiple disabilities."

"NAB, India is one of Perkins' oldest and most valued international allies," said Rothstein. "They are a model of commitment and vision not only in India, but for the world. Our mutual belief in the power of education to change lives brought us together and will sustain our energies in this newest chapter of our work together."

"Twenty percent of the individuals in the world who are blind live in India," Rothstein noted. "The overwhelming majority of students who are blind and deafblind do not attend school." For the first time in its 183 year history, Perkins will work with an international partner not only to build capacity and expertise to educate children who are blind or deaf-blind, but also to cultivate financial support outside the United States. By creating new opportunities for Indian donors to support the work of NAB, India and Perkins International partners, those organizations will be able to deliver more services to more people more effectively.

According to Perkins International director Dr W Aubrey Webson, "Leveraging our longstanding affiliation with NAB, India will help all of our partners here expand programs and reach a larger segment of the population who live with visual impairments and multiple disabilities."

Collaboration has always been characteristic of Perkins' work, whether on their school campus near Boston, Massachusetts, or around the world. In addition to long-established relationships with organizations such as Helen Keller Institute for Deaf and Deafblind, Voice & Vision India a national training center initiated from Perkins, and SOBTI parent initiated vocational training center in Mumbai, Worth Trust in Katpadi, Blind People's Association in Ahmadabad, Vidya Sagar and Clarke School in Chennai and many others, Perkins educational expertise has been shared in schools and centers throughout India.

Throughout India Perkins is also committed to promoting braille literacy. Literacy through braille is critically important for students who are blind. Perkins has a long-standing partnership to assemble braille machines with Worth Trust and is promoting braille in schools.

"Strengthening partnerships has become even more important during difficult economic times where the face of philanthropy is changing dramatically," said K Ramkrishna NAB, India Hon. Secretary General. "The alliance between Perkins and NAB, India to establish novel ways for partners to expand vitally needed services for individuals who are blind and deafblind."

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National Association for Blind to collaborate with Perkins to educate visually impaired

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