MNS group leader refuses new phones from BMC

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 12 Februari 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Refusing to accept the Android phones that the BMC has decided to buy for all its corporators, MNS group leader Dilip Lande has said that the phones should not be given to corporators who already have such high-end phones.

Lande has said that there are several corporators who have better phones than the BMC is planning to give and those who don't want the phone should not be given any.

"Why waste money in buying phones for everybody. I already have an android phone, I don't need a new phone. The BMC should just give me training on the use of applications on my phone," said Lande.

The BMC standing committee had passed a proposal in October to give cellphones to all the corporators. The proposal was drafted by standing committee chairman and Shiv Sena corporator Rahul Shewale.

In July, a BMC general body meeting approved a 150 per cent - Rs 10,000 to Rs 25,000 - hike in the honorarium for councillors, saying they needed increased funds to foot phone and fuel bills.

Mayor Sunil Prabhu justified the move saying the work of corporators involved a lot of phone use.

"These phones cost around Rs 10,000 and we are looking at a plan of Rs 1,700 or Rs 1,400 whichever is cheaper. We can take the money for the phone and phone bills from corporator fund," he said.

Prabhu said corporators would return the phones to BMC at the end of their terms.

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MNS group leader refuses new phones from BMC

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