State to deposit amount for police uniforms in bank accounts

Written By Unknown on Senin, 28 Januari 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar has signalled a change in the manner in which the state government funded purchase of police uniforms.

During a meeting last week, Pawar, who also handles the finance portfolio, announced that the money for such purchases will now be directly deposited in the policeman's account.

Cloth for the uniforms is currently purchased by the prisons department and the textile corporation, and made available to policemen.

Pawar also reviewed the arms and ammunition at the disposal of the police during the meeting. He said that the finance department will extend all cooperation to fulfill future requirement. Home minister RR Patil, senior home department and police officials attended the meeting.

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State to deposit amount for police uniforms in bank accounts

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