MUMBAI: Chief minister Prithviraj Chavan on Friday conferred the prestigious Maharashtra Bhushan award on renowned scientist Dr Anil Kakodkar. The award function was held near the Gateway of India. On the occasion, Chavan showered laurels on Dr Kakodkar for his contribution in the field of development and promotion of nuclear energy. He said that the Dr Kakodkar was a cornerstone of India's policy on nuclear energy.
Other dignitaries present including deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar and Mumbai(city) guardian minister Jayant Patil also praised the Dr Kakodkar's contribution to the society. Chavan even urged Dr Kakodkar to bring out an autobiography highlighting his work. The state's highest civilian honour comes with a cash award of Rs 10 lakh and a citation. The scientist is already a recipient of the Padma Vibhushan. Dr Kakodkar said that he was honoured to receive the state honour. Maintaining that nuclear energy would push the nation toward energy security, Dr Kakodkar said that there was a crying need to sensitise people towards it. He also said that radical changes were needed to the education culture, especially in rural areas, to encourage youngsters in taking up scientific research. Chavan also inaugurated a cultural event on the occasion.
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Nuclear scientist Anil Kakodkar honoured with Maharashtra Bhushan
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