In Virar, Shiv Sena gets down to helping women in distress

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 11 Januari 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: After the Thane Rural police, it is now the Shiv Sena wanting to give an helping hand to women in distress. The Virar unit of the saffron party (in Thane rural) has put up boards at crowded places like railway station and markets, offering to help women fight eve teasers and trouble makers.

The party has appealed to women to approach their Virar shakas with complaints. The party will also start an helpline to address crimes against women. After the Delhi gang rape, the Shiv Sena has told its women workers to attend to cases of crime against women. The party plans to install drop boxes where women can drop their complaints. The party will then take up the issue with the police.

The Virar unit of the Sena will also conduct karate and self defence classes for women. In addition, women will be guided on how to tackle stalkers and speak up against crimes. Post the Delhi gang rape, the Thane rural police has set up emails, sms helpline and women's cell to address crime against women.

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In Virar, Shiv Sena gets down to helping women in distress

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