139 couples tie knot in mass wedding organized by Nirankari Sant Samagam

Written By Unknown on Senin, 28 Januari 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: On Monday, a mass wedding function was held at the venue of the 46th annual Nirankari Sant Samagam in Airoli, where 139 couples tied their nuptial knot in the presence of his holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, his holy mother Rajmata Kulwant Kaur Ji and his gracious spouse Pujya Mata Sawinder Ji. Besides the parents, relatives and friends of the brides and bridegrooms, thousands of devotees of the mission were also present.

While most of the couples belonged from Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra, some brides and bridegrooms came from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat.

Even though the caste does not figure in Nirankari Marriages, a Hindu girl married a Muslim boy while another Hindu boy tied knot with a Christian girl.

The ceremony began with the traditional Jaymala, followed by Nirankari Lavan. Each couple was given a common garland — a special feature of a Nirankari wedding.

The holy trinity and other saints showered the flowers while saint artists sang Lavan with music.

The ceremony was marked by maximum austerity as the newly-wed couples along with their families, friends and relatives ate lunch at the community kitchen (Langar) provided by the Sant Nirankari Mandal.

Blessing the newly-weds, his holiness appreciated the couples and their families for opting this simple mass wedding ceremony.

Baba Ji said "Every social relation based on the teachings of the saints is bound to grow stronger and stronger. As a matter of fact, most of the families who opt for this simple ceremony are spiritually enlightened and attend holy congregations. It is here that they learn human values of love, humility, cooperation and tolerance." He called upon the newly-weds to seek the company of saints regularly.

Humanity is the true religion of man and all spiritual masters have preached it since ages. Just as sugar is known from its sweetness and salt from its saltiness, a human being is known from humanity. This was stated here by his holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, head of the Sant Nirankari Mission while addressing a mammoth congregation of the devotees of the Mission on the third day of the 46th Annual Nirankari Sant Samagam of Maharashtra in Navi Mumbai late Sunday evening.

The three-day Samagam is being attended by lakhs of followers of the mission and other God-loving people from all over Maharashtra and several other parts of the country and abroad.

Baba Ji said that whether we call the teachings of Lord Christ, Hazarat Mohammad, Guru Nanak or the any other spiritual master that of God, they all preached the lesson of humanity as the man's true religion.

His holiness further said that "It is unfortunate that man has remained ignorant about the true meaning of religion and identified the same with all kinds of rituals. That is why he is unable to behave like man. People are fighting against each other and we find hatred, jealousy, selfishness, narrow-mindedness and violence prevailing across the world."

His holiness emphasized that devotion to God can be followed by every individual while performing his responsibilities towards self, the family, society, nation and humanity as such.

Earlier, Shri S.S. Tiwari, coordinator of the Samagam Committee thanked his holiness for the success of the 3-day Samagam. He said that everything could be accomplished in time only due to his grace. He thanked all the government agencies and other organizations for their willing and wholehearted cooperation. He also thanked fthe devotees of the Mission who came in such a large number to participate in the Samagam.

Shri VD Nagpal, general secretary of the Sant Nirankari Mission from Delhi also thanked the devotees for their discipline and the spirit of devotion and cooperation which made the Samagam a success.

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139 couples tie knot in mass wedding organized by Nirankari Sant Samagam

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