Man gets 7 years in prison for raping teen daughter

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 20 Desember 2012 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A 40-year-old man was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment on Wednesday for raping his 14-year-old daughter several times over a year.

Sessions judge V M Mohite convicted the accused, John Sheri, and, apart from the jail term, fined him Rs 5,000. Sheri was booked under IPC sections 376 ( rape), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) and 506 (criminal intimidation). Sheri's crimes came to light in December 2011 after the daughter confided in her paternal uncle. The victim had reportedly complained to her mother on occasions, but no steps were taken to stop the crime.

According to the prosecution, Sheri lived with his wife, son and daughter at Seven Bungalows, Andheri (West). Mostly unemployed and an alcoholic, he first sexually assaulted his daughter in 2010 during Ganeshotsav. When the victim's mother and brother were out, Sheri forced himself on the 14-year-old and, when she screamed, almost strangulated her. He then raped the minor while smothering her. Later, threatening with a beating, he told her not to tell anyone about the incident.

The girl's ordeal continued for months. Once, Sheri even brought the teenager back from school just to sexually assault her. Unable to bear the trauma, the girl mustered up the courage to confide in her mother. But, when confronted, Sheri denied the assertion.

In October 2011, on the pretext of visiting family in Pune, Sheri took the victim along with him. En route, he checked into a hotel, where he repeatedly raped her. In Pune, the teen told her aunt about the repeated assault. On their return, the girl once again complained to her mother, but, when questioned, Sheri simply beat up the woman.

The girl eventually spoke of her trauma to her uncle, who helped her register a complaint with Versova police. The victim was taken to hospital where tests revealed injuries on her private parts. The girl's statements were recorded and Sheri was arrested immediately. Since then, he has been in jail. The victim was sent to a welfare home for children, where she still resides.

"In court, the victim supported the prosecution case. Her mother did not testify, but among the four witnesses were her uncle, aunt, the investigating officer and the medical officer who conducted the tests," said public prosecutor P S Tawde.

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