Dahanu zilla parishad teacher held for molesting minor girl students

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 03 April 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Teacher of a zilla parishad school in Dahanu was arrested on Friday for allegedly molesting three minor class three students.

Santosh Sable (35) molested the girls, aged seven and eight, in the school premises. He would call them to his room, disrobe them and sexually assault them. The first incident came to light on March 26 when one of the girls confided in her parents. The parents approached the Dahanu police, following which two more parents filed a police complaint against Sable. Police said that more girls are likely to have been molested by the teacher.

Sable has been booked for molestation and under sections of the Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Act. Police said that the girls are being send for medical test to ascertain whether he sexually assaulted them. A few parents fear that the teacher did sexually abuse the girl students. He will be produced in court on Saturday.

Police said that Sable was on leave for two years due to tuberculosis. He reported to work in February.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Dahanu ZP teacher,Dahanu zilla parishad school,Dahanu police

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