Attack evokes anger amid priests, laity

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 22 Maret 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The attack on the Panvel church has evoked concern amid priests and commoners in Mumbai and Thane.

Bishop Thomas Elavanel of the Syro Malabar Church said the police are trying to identify the miscreants from CCTV footage. "The glass covering of the statue was broken though fortunately the statue itself was not damaged," he said.

Archbishop of Bombay, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, learnt of the attack even as he led a public morcha on Saturday to condemn the gang-rape of an elderly nun in Kolkata. "It concerns me to think where we are leading to. The police must take prompt action." Writer Anil Dharker, who was present at the morcha, said the culprits must be arrested soon. "We cannot afford to allow masked miscreants get away by thinking they can cover their faces and find easy targets," said Dharker.

Church spokesman Nigel Barrett said police action is the only way to reassure the community that the government is serious about their welfare.,Panvel church,Commoners,attack

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