Pujari module busted

Written By Unknown on Senin, 23 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: After a small lull fugitive gangster Ravi Pujari is again trying to raise its ugly head. The city crime branch have on Monday have picked up yet another module of three members of Pujari from outskirts of the city with three weapons.

If sources are to be believed the module was planning to bump off a target in Mumbai. Crime branch officials are maintaining a silence stating that they are now trying to nab Pujari's handler who had recruited these new faces in the gang. A handler is middleman who secretly works for the gang like Khar Gymkhana member Ravi Punjbai who was arrested in 2010 and was recently convicted for aiding and abetting Pujari.

Pujari trying to reorganize his gang assumes significance as the the city crime branch since September/ October last year have arrested around two dozen members in four separate cases and invoked the stringent act of MCOCA.

While one module was planning to bump off film producer Mahesh Bhatt, another wanted to target the set of film actors and producer including Shah Rukh Khan, Farah Khan and Salim Moranis over the issue of overseas rights of the movie Happy New year

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Salim Moranis,Ravi Pujari,Khar Gymkhana,Gangster

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