BEST team raids hutments, 21 cases of power thefts

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 24 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The BEST vigilance team recently conducted a massive raid at some of the hutments along the Victoria bridge near Reay Road railway station and booked 29 persons in a electricity pilferage case.

Officials said that during the raid, it was found out that the hutment dwellers were illegally getting the power connection. The officials recovered 750 metres of direct supply wire from the area. "A total 21 cases (hutments) were registered for power theft under section 135 of the Electricity Act. The Byculla police has also registered a police case and will prosecute those involved," an official said.

Sources said that the hutment dwellers were illegally getting power supply and a total consumption of 17,883 units (of electricity) was recorded. It had caused losses to the tune of Rs 2.14 lakh to the undertaking. Of this, the undertaking has already recovered Rs 1.92 lakh from the accused persons, sources added. bridge,Reay Road Railway Station,best team

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BEST team raids hutments, 21 cases of power thefts

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