16 more test positive for swine flu in Mumbai

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The count of swine flu cases in the city continued to rise with another 16 people testing positive for the virus. This season, a significant percentage of infected patients have been children as well as infants.

The municipal corporation, in its Friday report, stated that four out of the 16 who tested positive were children between the ages of two and five years. Barring a three-year-old boy from Mulund who required hospitalization, the other three from Worli, Mumbai Central and Goregaon were treated on an outpatient basis. "All are stable and have been started on Tamiflu," said a civic official. This season, over 18% of the infected have been children.

Paediatric infectious disease Dr Tanu Singhal, who consults with Kokilaben Hospital, said that while many children are testing positive, there is nothing to indicate more infection in the paediatric population. "The big numbers could be a result of biased testing," she said, adding that children are responding well to medication when diagnosed on time and treated appropriately.

The positive cases count rose to 73. Another five people are in critical condition and continue to be on ventilator. The death toll in the state, meanwhile, rose to 51, with the number of affected people touching the 350 mark.

Public health minister Dr Deepak Sawant said that the situation is under control. "We are trying to ensure there is no misdiagnosis and thereby any delay in treating a patient. We have enough stock of Tamiflu, testing kits and everything else needed to tackle the situation," he told TOI.

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16 more test positive for swine flu in Mumbai

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