5 suspects admit sodomizing, killing two in Mumbai

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 01 Januari 2015 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Three persons have been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a teenaged boy on the Marine Drive promenade till he died. Two others, who were also involved in the incident in June, 2014, are at large.

During interrogation, the three confessed to the crime and also admitted to sexually assaulting a 20-year-old man and beheading him inside the Shakti Mills compound near Mahalaxmi station in 2011. The same desolate mill premises was the site where a photojournalist and a tele-operator were gangraped in 2013.

"We initially detained the three accused, Rajkumar Rapannan alias Kala Anna (23), Sunil Kumar (30) and Vishal Padhgham (30). They were later arrested at the Marine Drive police station as a case of accidental death was registered there in June," said Sanjay Kamble, inspector of the V P Road police station. "Based on our interrogation and report, charges of murder will be added."

The three were picked up for a house break-in case, based on information by police nayak Shabbir Shaikh. A team of assistant inspectors Shrirang Sanas and Digambar Bidwe and some constables caught them at Gulalwadi near Girgaum, while two others, Siraj and Raj Chikna, are on the run.

"The accused worked part-time with local caterers and are drug-addicts. They denied being involved in the house break-in but during interrogation, they admitted to having killed two persons after sodomizing them," the police said. "They took the teenager, Sallu, to Marine Drive where four of them pinned him down and the fifth accused sexually assaulted him; they took turns to sodomize the boy. He started vomiting up blood and screamed for help, but the accused gagged him with polythene bags as they continued sexually assaulting him. He died on the spot when the five fled."

They had also taken an acquaintance, Vicky, to Shakti Mills in September 2011 where they sodomized him and then beheaded him, the police said. A murder case was registered at the N M Joshi Marg police station that remained unsolved.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=Road police,photojournalist,Marine Drive police,Kala Anna,Joshi Marg police

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