Cops bar boat parties in Mumbai on 31st night

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 30 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Taking a serious view of Sunday's blast in Bangalore and terror alerts by various intelligence agencies, the city police have decided not to allow any party on cruise ships, boats or yachts as part of New Year's celebrations.

"We have not given permission for any party in the sea," said DCP Dhananjay Kulkarni, the police spokesperson. This is the first time after 2008 and 2009 that the police have disallowed boat parties. Last year, the police did give permission but only on the condition that they get prior sanction from the excise department.

READ ALSO: Stretched cops not keen on allowing boat parties

The state home department had earlier instructed the Mumbai police to turn down applications for parties on yachts and boats reason being security fears post-26 /11.

"After the 2008 terror attack, we were given strict orders to monitor all parties held on boats and cruise ships. If the organizers wished to get alcohol on board, we were told to deny them the licence. If some partygoer falls into the water in an inebriated condition, who will take responsibility for the accident ," said inspector S Bhandari of the Yellow Gate police station.

READ ALSO: No takers for year-end cruise parties

The Port Zone police stations have got more than a dozen applications, asking for permission to host a party on a cruise ship or a yacht. Most of the applications have been rejected since the organizers wanted consent for liquor to be served on board. "This is a threat to security. It becomes difficult to monitor the guest list and the commodities being taken on board. Persons under the influence of booze cannot be trusted on water," said DCP (Port Zone) Tanaji Gharge. year party,new year boat party Mumbai,boat party in Mumbai,Boat party

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