Centre, private companies to fund smart police stations

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 31 Desember 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: After announcing the smart city initiative, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has now drafted a plan to set up citizen-friendly smart police stations in each state.

For the first time, setting up of a police station will be funded by the Centre and the private sector's corporate social responsibility programme.

A month ago, addressing a high-level meeting of DGPs, Modi had made it clear that police personnel should be SMART—sensitive and strict, modern with mobility, alert and accountable, reliable and responsive and trained and techno-savvy.

A senior home department bureaucrat on Tuesday confirmed that the ministry of home affairs (MHA) has asked the state to set up a comprehensive proposal for a smart police station in Maharashtra. "We are in the process of submitting a proposal to set up a smart police station in Mumbai," he said.

The bureaucrat said that Modi wanted the smart police station to be citizen-friendly, clean and one that meets operational and welfare needs of police personnel. It should have basic amenities for visitors, a waiting area, toilets and drinking water facility, rest rooms for constables, separate facilities for women police personnel, besides natural light, proper ventilation, solar lighting and energy-saving features.

It has also been to set up a state-of-art CCTV network, safe armoury, record room and automatic kiosks for filing of complaints by public and a back-up for follow-up. "Police station is a primary point of interaction between the public and police personnel, as such, it should be citizen-friendly," he said.

An IPS official said while the concept is novel, it was high time the state initiates an action plan to provide basic amenities in the existing police stations. The official felt that CM Devendra Fadnavis, who also holds the home portfolio, should take a review of police stations across the state. "Fadnavis must ensure that police station's across the state are enabled with state-of-the-art technology. Our crime data has still not computerized and hence there is no data sharing," he said.

There was also an urgent need to review manpower deployment, he said.

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Centre, private companies to fund smart police stations

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