Mumbai's November temperature hits 37-degrees celsius, only 3rd time in 63 years

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 04 November 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The city on Monday recorded its third hottest November day since 1951, with the maximum temperature in Santa Cruz touching 37-degrees celsius. The all-time record for the month is 37.4 degrees, recorded on the 4th in 1979 and 2003.

Colaba registered a maximum of 35.5 degrees on the day. Met officials attributed the soaring mercury to strong easterly winds.

"Statistically it may se8em surprising, but it's just the third day of November and, hench, should not be a worry. October heat generally is a phenome8n8on that is very peculiar to Mumbai. But the city did receive some pleasant days in October, thanks to Cyclone Nilofar looming ov8er the Arabian Sea. The cyclone had brought down the maxim8um temperatures. The current wind pattern is easterly to westerly, where the easterly winds are strong," said K S Hosalikar, deputy DG of meteorology.

As these are winds that come directly from the land, they are known to be hot," said K S Hosalikar, deputy director general of metrology at the Regional Meteorological Centre in Mumbai.

During October, the skies are known to be clear, leading to more sunlight. But the pattern is expected to change by December, officials said.

Meanwhile, the minimum temperatures recorded over the past few days have been low, with Colaba registering 24.8 degrees and Santa Cruz 21.2 degrees on Monday. "There is a diurnal variation that we are witnessing which relates to variation in temperatures from the highs and lows during the day. Therefore, while there is a lot of heating during the day, the night is cooler," Hosalikar explained. The humidity levels in Colaba was 76%, while it was 47% in Santa Cruz.

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Mumbai's November temperature hits 37-degrees celsius, only 3rd time in 63 years

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