Stepdad gets 6 yrs jail term for sexually abusing minor girl

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: A special Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSOA) court on Tuesday convicted a 45-year-old man, Pappu Kale, for repeatedly sexually abusing his minor step daughter. Special judge Chanda Nathani sentenced Kale to six years rigorous imprisonment under Section 10 (aggravated sexual assault) of the POCSOA.

Public prosecutor Sheila Jamdar said the survivor (10) testified in the court, along with her maternal aunt, the complainant. While her biological father died in a railway accident six years ago, her mother died eight months prior to the accused's arrest on March 9 this year.

In her statement before the court, the girl said Kale had sexually abused her on two occasions when her mother was alive. In both instances, the convict assaulted her mother when she confronted him about the abuse. The survivor said when her mother died, she told a neighbour that she did not want to live with Kale as he abused her, following which the neighbour made arrangements for her to live with her maternal aunt at Haji Ali. She revealed the incident to her aunt too.

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Stepdad gets 6 yrs jail term for sexually abusing minor girl

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