Church to debate mercy killing, surrogacy

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The Archdiocese of Bombay has organised a three-day seminar beginning Friday that will debate subjects like euthanasia, surrogacy, contraception and artificial insemination. The symposium will be held at St Pius X College in Goregaon from October 17-19.

'The National Symposium on Protecting, Preserving and Promoting the Gift of Human Life' is organised by the Catholic Conference of Bishops of India (CCBI) Commission for Theology and Doctrine. Doctors, nurses and theologians from Germany, Australia as well as various parts of India will participate.

Bishop Agnelo Gracias, who is organising the seminar, cited the hypothetical example of a 25-year-old youth who is likely to remain in a vegetative state after suffering brain haemorrhage. "Is it morally right to pull the plug on him or deny him artificial nutrition? We will examine such issues from the perspective of the Catholic Church," he said. "Although the grey areas will remain, the Church hopes to arrive at greater clarity on these issues."

Experts will debate Indian laws that guarantee the protection of life as well as the ethical principles followed by Catholic healthcare institutes. Moral issues surrounding surrogacy and artificial reproduction will be brought to the table as will the legal "traps" that exist in this field. Doctors will discuss whether prenatal screening can influence the way a mother cares for the foetus. Pastoral solutions will be offered to the menace of pornography.

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