Church doctrine on minority groups remains unchanged, says spokesman

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Before Pope Francis advocated tolerance of minority groups, the Church in Mumbai had urged similar acceptance.

Nigel Barrett, spokesman of the Archdiocese of Bombay, said of the Vatican's statement, "There are two aspects to this, one is the pastoral dimension the other is that of canonical law. The pastoral outlook of the Church has always been welcoming and non-judgmental, one of love and compassion. But church doctrine will not change unless an express directive is issued to change canonical law. This law technically does not accept same sex marriage. It does not permit priests to give communion to people in this position or those who are said to be living in sin."

Fr Nigel added, "We will have to see how this statement from the Vatican translates in terms of action, if the directive comes the Church in Mumbai will follow through wholeheartedly."

Oswald Cardinal Gracias, the archbishop of Bombay, who is advisor to the Pope is currently in Rome and has been a part of these discussions. "He has earlier issued guidelines to priests to adopt a humane approach towards people rather than take a strictly legalistic view of things. The Cardinal has always advocated taking a non-judgmental approach because we do not know what circumstances prompt people to make certain life choices," Fr Nigel said.

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