Month to go, Mumbai already receives season's full rainfall quota

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 06 September 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Despite a dry spell in June and August this year, Santa Cruz has already received the full quota of rainfall that is required from June to September every year; the four monsoon months. While the total required seasonal rainfall in case of Santa Cruz is 2,231.6mm, on Friday the total rainfall received so far reached 2,232.5mm.

Rainfall so far in Colaba was 2,020.4mm, close to its required rainfall of 2,053mm. Weathermen believe that with around a month left for the monsoon, by the end of the season the city is likely to record rainfall much above its required figure.

V K Rajeev, director of the Regional Meteorological Department in Mumbai, said, "The offshore trough extending from Gujarat to Kerala is very active, so there is a lot of rainfall. We are expecting occasional spells of rain for the next 48 hours. Rainfall received so far in both Colaba and Santa Cruz is above normal. Colaba too is expected to complete the season's required total much earlier."

The monsoon this year has witnessed a distinctive pattern and while June received very scanty rainfall it was compensated by July wherein July received the highest rainfall in the last 63 years. The break monsoon like phenomenon that is known to be present every monsoon season, lasted longer this year, thus giving August less rain though in the last two days of August monsoons picked up pace once again.

On Friday the MET department issued a fishermen warning as winds they said would be mainly south westerly at speed of 45-50kmph and occasionally reaching 60kmph in gusts. The sea they said would be rough mainly with south westerly waves and therefore fishermen were advised not to go out in the sea during the next 24 hours.

Several parts of the city and suburbs witnessed continuous rain on Friday with heavy spells at certain times of the day. Rainfall received between 8.30am to 8.30pm on Friday in Colaba was 29.2mm, while in Santa Cruz it was 12.4mm. An IMD forecast indicates frequent spells of rain and thundershowers in the next 24 hours, including one or two heavy showers.

The seasonal rainfall map for the week ending on September 3, released by MET, which showcases the rainfall percentage departure from the long-period averages for districts in Maharashtra, has placed Mumbai suburbs and city in the normal category.

The onset of the monsoon in Mumbai this year was declared on June 15, which is five days later than the normal onset date. The monsoon had neither kept its date with Kerala and the onset in Kerala too this year was declared on June 6. Last year the monsoon had reached Mumbai on June 8, much before its expected date of arrival.

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Month to go, Mumbai already receives season's full rainfall quota

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