Satish Soni, Joint Managing Director, MTDC said, "Maharashtra Mandals from across USA, Canada and Mexico and eminent Indian professionals from medical and legal fraternities participated in a big number. The event had been scheduled in September to ensure that foreign tourists are made aware Maharashtra's splendour, and accordingly can plan their visit in October which would ensure that they soak in the festivities of Diwali."
It was symbolic as the Times Square turned orange with the saffron phetas all around. Another surprise was the ladies dahi-handi, mulkhamband live performance from Nandesh Vitthal Umap, a well known playback singer and folk artist kept people amazed and on their toes. Other traditional dances, dhol-tasha and Warli painting too added colour to the event. Another attraction was the hop on -hop off bus showcasing the rich heritage and culture of Maharashtra moving on the streets around Times Square.
Even the unique souvenirs of Maharashtra attracted tourists and received tremendous response. Right from handicrafts to Warli painting and miniatures of Gudi to various articles showcasing the essence of Maharashtra had become eye-candy for the visitors. The US media too took the opportunity to meet the Indian celebrities and artists which included, Parineeti Chopra, Aditya Roy Kapur, Shaan, Shalmali kholgade along with Dyaneshwar Mule, the Council General, Additional Chief Secretary Sumit Mullick, Saitsh Soni, Jt. MD, MTDC and Kishore Gadre, GM, MTDC.
"This makes India proud in cultural capital of the US as lakhs of international visitors immersed in Maharashtrian flavours of music, culture, costumes and cuisine in second such successful MTDC Diwali at Times Square event," said Gadre.
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