NGOs, BMC officials meet for clean toilets

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Members of differents NGOs who have come together to fight for clean and secure public toilet blocks and urinals for women in the city finally see their endeavour making headway.

Those spearheading the Right to Pee (RTP) movement were on Thursday called for a meeting with BMC officials after civic chief Sitaram Kunte suggested that a committee be formed to look into the problems properly.

Following treading of ideas by both sides at the meeting, it has been decided that a ward-wise watch would be kept on toilets every week, and the group also made certain suggestions to maintain the women's toilets clean and secure.

The members of differemt NGOs fighting for the cause met Kunte on Monday at the BMC headquarters to complain about unclean and unhygienic public toilets and urinals that are completely unusable. To drive their point home, they even tied a rakhi, with a miniature woman created on it, on Kunte, asking him to safeguard women's rights. The group pointed out that it was their meetings with the civic chief and the mayor as well as the persistent pressure that forced the BMC to call them for a meeting.

An official from the solid waste management department said, "We have decided to have ward-wise meetings from next week which will be attended by group members, an assistant commissioner and engineer of maintenance. We will look into the condition of the existing toilets and what has to be done. Junior overseers of solid waste management have been appointed who will give regular reports on the condition of toilets in their blocks."

Mumtaz Sheikh of RTP said they hoped that the authorities would take action at the earliest. "At the meeting they offered us tea and biscuit, but we declined to have them. We told the officials that until something positive was done, we would prefer not to eat anything from them. We have asked them to set up separate urinals for women, put up notices indicating that the urinals are free for women, to maintain cleanliness and to ensure unsocial elements do not hover around toilet blocks."

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