Laptop gang racket busted in Mumbai

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: The Mumbai crime branch has busted a major laptop theft racket with the arrest of two persons and have seized 182 laptops and monitors. Police have arrested two persons namely Santos bhosle (38 ) and muhammad Alam (40) and have recovered branded laptops and monitors from them. Interestingly the seizure of so many laptops and monitor settings have baffled the police as there is no complaint of bulk theft in any part of the city. However during the course of intwrrogations of the two accused they revealed that they were part of a bigger racket. They told police that they were just tempo drivers and the main kingpins were a group of security guards.
The police team on behest of the two accused carried a search of the two go downs in Rabble in thane and diva and recovered the 182 laptops and monitors.
" the accused have told that in month of July this month the security guards set a go down on fire in Narpoli in Bhiwandi but before setting on fire the accused secretly removed the expensive laptops and computer monitors and made it look like an accident." Said an officer of crime branch unit 12. Later the gang of security guards than ask this two tempo drivers to keep the boot with them in safe and after sometime they had planned to sell off the lot. Now the Mumbai crime branch have intimated the Narpoli police to register a case of arson and organised house breaking after informing the owners of the warehouses. Crime Branch,Laptop gang racket

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Laptop gang racket busted in Mumbai

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