The Agripada police recently received tip off that a leather goods manufacturing factory in Rangwala compound in near Byculla were employing minor children in their factory. Police team led by A Lalbaig and his staff raided Rahmani compound in Byculla and rescued eight children. ``Most of them rescued were of age ranging from 13 to 16. We have booked three owners of the factory under the Child labour Act and accused have been remanded.'' Said an officer of Agripada. While the rescued childrens have been send to rehabilitation home, police have arrested three factory owners Mohammed Irshad (19), Mohammed Shaikh (34) and Mohammed Churiyar (32).
During investigations it transpired that the accused were not only engaged minors in their leather factory but were also under paid. children,leather goods manufacturing factory,leather factory,Child labour
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8 children rescued from leather factory in Mumbai
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