IM letter threatens bomb blast, throws a challenge at Mumbai Police

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 27 Juli 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Mumbai police comissioner Rakesh Maria has ordered a high-level probe after the police control room last week recieved an anonymous letter threatening to carry out bomb blasts to avenge the killing of innocents in Gaza.

On July 25, police control room received a one-page well-typed letter in English claiming to be from the Indian Mujahideen.

"Maria you were lucky in 1993 to have escaped the wrath but this time you will not. Now we are going to carry a blast and it is a challenge for you if you can stop, stop it. Mujahideen," said an officer who read out the letter.

This is not a stray incident as Rakesh Maria, who cracked several bomb blast cases and busted the IM module, has been receiving regular threats.

In 2012, the government reviewed his security and alloted him a bullet proof vehicle while he was heading the ATS.

The Mumbai Police have sounded a high alert, particularly in view of upcoming religious fetsivals like Eid and Ganesh Chatturthi.

The probe has been handed over to city crime branch.

Given the Indian Mujahideen's past record, police believe this could be prank.

"In the past the IM used to send emails and claim responsibility for the blasts, but after their module was busted in 2008 due to same mistake, they stopped doing it and secondly with most of its active members inside jails, the IM module has almost become defunct," said an officer from the security agency.

As a precautionary measure, all anti-terror cells in Mumbai have been put on high alert and the ATS have also been alerted.

On March 12, 1993, Mumbai was rocked by a series of blasts which 257 people were killed and 713 were injured. Mujaheedin,Rakesh Maria,Mumbai Police

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