72% Indian employers expect focus on health and productivity to grow: Towers Watson

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 25 Juni 2014 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Indian employers' focus on health and productivity (H&P) is growing and is the highest in the Asia Pacific region according to a survey report, conducted by global professional services company Towers Watson.

The report stated that 96% companies in India feel H&P played a moderate to essential role in their organization's health strategy and three in every four Indian employers expect the focus on H&P to grow in the next two years. Leading the Asia Pacific markets, almost half (44%) of the Indian companies plan to put in place a health and wellbeing strategy within the next couple of years, while 48% already have one in place.

Anuradha Sriram, director — benefits, Towers Watson, India said: "It is extremely encouraging to find Indian companies place greater focus on health and wellness. But to translate this focus into tangible improvement in employee wellbeing and productivity and thereby financial performance, companies must identify effective programs rather than copying popular ones and strive towards evolving a robust health and wellness strategy instead of implementing a number of tactical initiatives."

Globally, companies with the most effective H&P programs are more productive and generate 34% higher revenue per employee, reveals the report. Such companies enjoy around 20% points higher market premium. Moreover, the number of leaves taken by employees of these companies goes down by 1.0 for each employee per year. Similarly, employee participation in lifestyle behaviour coaching programs is higher by 20 percentage points for such companies.

"Our analysis shows that high effectiveness organisations are moving beyond program implementation and are investing in creating and nurturing a culture that encompasses health and wellness. These companies are naturally able to build and sustain better well-being over time and achieve even greater benefits in terms of reduced health care costs as well as greater productivity and performance" said Sriram.

Indian employers ranked stress as the number one lifestyle risk factor but H&P programs focus elsewhere.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/followceleb.cms?alias=productivity,health,employers,Asia Pacific

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72% Indian employers expect focus on health and productivity to grow: Towers Watson

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