The police said Rajshree Jadhav, who worked as a salesgirl in Thakur Mall near the Dahisar check naka, was listening to songs on her phone on the terrace of Gagangiri apartment around 9pm on Wednesday. While her parents and brother were inside their flat, Rajshree was strolling on the terrace and listening to music on the cellphone. Around 8.45pm, her father Sandesh came to the terrace and scolded her for being glued to the phone for so long. Ten minutes later, he came again, asking her to come for dinner. As Sandesh went back, Rajshree's cellphone slipped. She tried to catch it but lost balance and fell off the four-storey building. Her father rushed to the compound and took Rajshree to a nearby hospital where she died of severe head injuries on Thursday.
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Mobile slips, girl falls to death trying to grab it
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