MUMBAI: The Pant Nagar police recently arrested two people allegedly for gang raping and robbing a 21-year old bargirl after spiking her drink. A bargirl was also arrested for aiding the accused in committing the crime. The accused picked up the victim girl from Pantnagar locality in Ghatkopar (East) on March 18 on pretext of attending a party and took her to a hotel in Thane where she offered drinks which was spike before raping her and made away with her jewelleries.
Police arrested Ali Shah (30), Tariq Ansari and Ruksana Shah alias Priyanka (21) based on the vicitm's complaint. "The victim and Shah works as bar dancers in Sandeep Bar located in Kurla (West). Few days ago Shah told the victim that March 18 is her birthday and she has organized a party in a Hotel in Thane. She lured Asha that many rich people will attend the party and she can make good use of the opportunity. Shah also told Asha to wear expensive clothes and jewelleries to attract customers. The victim agreed to go with her," said a police officer.
On March 18, Shah along with her boyfriend and his friend, picked up the victim Asha from Ghatkopar (west) bus depot and took her to a hotel at Thane-Ghodbuner road. In the hotel room, accused discretely laced the victim's drink with sedatives and after she loses conscious in the night they raped her. Accused then took all the jewelleries.
Investigators said later in the night accused dropped victim to her resident at Parksite. Asha was sleeping the whole day of March 19, but when she did not awake next day her uncle suspect something fishy and rushed her to a private hospital. When she gained conscious she experienced severe pain in her private parts and narrated entire incident to her uncle.
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Two held for allegedly raping bar dancer
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