Free medical checkup and Weight Loss Guidance Camp for Obese

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013 | 22.23

MUMBAI: Niramaya Hospital Chembur is conducting a free medical checkup and weight loss guidance camp for obese people on 16 February 2013 from 2 pm to 6 pm. People who are obese and face health problems due to obesity can visit this camp for their medical checkup which includes- ECG, BMI, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, free Nutrition and Diet Advice by experts and free consultation.

Dr. Amit Thadhani, Consulting Laparoscopic Surgeon and Medical Director Niramaya Hospitals said, "Today among all other diseases, obesity has emerged as one of the increasing health problems among people especially in the urban areas. Sedentary lifestyle, changed food habits and lack of physical exercise in today's changing world are the major culprits for various diseases, obesity being one of them. Also, an obese person faces the risk of developing other health complications like high blood pressure, heart disease etc. so it becomes very necessary for obese people to get the right medical treatment at the right time and save themselves from further health hazards."

"This camp is conducted with the only objective to help people know their level of obesity and opt for the right treatment. It will be a pleasure for us to do as many free checkups as possible. As the motto of the hospital says, 'May All Be Healthy', we ensure that we keep providing quality service to our patients and help them heal faster", added Dr. Thadhani.

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Free medical checkup and Weight Loss Guidance Camp for Obese

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