MUMBAI: The Bombay high court recently restrained Akshaya Productions from releasing their Kannada movie titled 'Dirty Picture' under any other name till January 4, 2013. The order was passed in a copyright tussle going on before the HC between Balaji Films and Akshaya Productions over the name "Dirty Picture' which the Bollywood production house which made the Vidya Balan starring 2011 hit film says it alone has the intellectual copyright over the title.
Justice S J Kathawalla passed the order after the lawyer for the Southern film production firm informed him that his client would be " changing the name of their
movie and not name it ' Dirty Picture '. The lawyer also said they would make the script
of their movie available to Balaji Films on or before January 3, 2013.
The judge accepted, the statements made by the counsel and posted the matter for further hearing and order to January 4.
Balaji Films said it had produced a film titled, "The Dirty Picture" starring the leading actress Vidya Balan in 2011, and it alone is the owner of all the intellectual property rights in the said underlying literary work and also in the title of the film.
Their application against Akshaya productions said that the production must be restrained from using words "Dirty Picture" in the title of its film as the words were being used allegedly with the sole intent of associating the film with the Balan film.
Balaji Films which filed its suit through law firm Naik, Naik & Co said it had "serious apprehension that in view of all the media reports, the story of the new film was also likely to infringe its copyrights in the literary work."
The public associated the trade mark "dity picture" with the film Balan starrer, said Balaji Films and also that the name of the leading character of the film i.e. "Silk" was clearly and firmly entrenched in the public mind as associated with the movie. Balaji Films said its reputation would be tarnished and diluted by the use of the name of its film, illegally.
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Bombay HC restrains release of Kannada film titled "Dirty Picture' till Jan 4, 2013
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